German Institute on Radicalization
and De-radicalization Studies

GIRDS Director Daniel Koehler Speaks at the Italian Parliament

GIRDS Director Daniel Koehler was highly honoured today to give a keynote address in the ‪‎Italian‬ ‪Parliament‬ Camera dei Deputati and to meet with the Honourable Miss Laura Boldrini, who is the President of the Parliament. Mr. Koehler spoke about the role of mothers and families in ‪CVE‬ work and fighting ‪Daesh‬. He also had an opportunity to urge for specialized training of family counsellors and to offer assistance in building dedicated ‪‎deradicalizaton‬ programs. We are proud to have been a part of this and with our Mothers for Life network represented through our great mothers Christianne and Saliha!