Simon Cornwall - Fellow
Simon Cornwall is a leading expert on extremism and disengagement work within the Criminal Justice System. He is a very experienced practitioner with a unique skills set. Simon designed and delivers training around Counter Terrorism and Countering Violent Extremism and develops guidance and policy. He also develops partnership work with various agencies in sharing intelligence and working to common aims, as well as designs processes and tool kits. Simon is able to work with various covert and overt agencies within the extremism agenda. He speaks at conferences, workshops and seminars and has experience of success in working with convicted terrorists and extremist offenders and other high/very high risk individuals. Simon is an innovator with a can do attitude and ability to engage and empower others. He works closely with community groups, runs projects and empowers community action.
Simon has a varied professional background with nearly 40 years of Counter Terrorism experience. He is currently working as an International consultant for the United Nations ODC/Terrorism Prevention Branch to implement a 3 year project on supporting Central Asian States to strengthen national and regional frameworks for preventing and countering violent extremism. Working from home and based in Central Asia, Simon is building capacity and implementing process, training and resilience within Government Agencies, covert and overt, to manage flow of intelligence, work together with other states and set up NGOs to work to integrate FTFs and those vulnerable to the ideology and propaganda of extremist groups.